Mandragora Thuringia


Event History

28. September 2024Mandragora Thuringia & ScurraRosenkellerJena
15. June 2024Mensch mach mit! FestivalSeewieseFriedberg
13. April 2024ZwergentanzfestivalBlackboxNürnberg
24. November 2023Folk & Pagan Metal Nachtb-hofWürzburg
30. September 2023Thüringer Tolkien TagPapiermühleJena
17. June 2023FAK-FESTival 2023Ernst-Abbe-PlatzJena
16. June 2023Sternenklang FestivalNiederburg KranichfeldKranichfeld
30. April 202310 Jahre KoboldrockKasseturmWeimar
21. April 2023Support for Vogelfrey - Titanium Tour 2023HellraiserLeipzig
17. September 2022ClubshowTrash Gera · Tanz- und NachtclubGera
16. September 2022Rudelgedudel - NürnbergLUISE - The CultfactoryNürnberg
03. September 2022Bookwood Festival 2022K1 BuchholzBuchholz
11. August 2022Helmfest 2022auf Helmstedts rockigsten AckerHelmstedt
24. June 2022Hörnerfestein ehemaliger Bauernhof im GrünenBrande-Hörnerkirchen
30. April 2022Folk Metal Nachtb-hof WürzburgWürzburg
01. April 2022Mead and Greed Festival 2022ResonanzwerkOberhausen
24. September 2021Thorshammer FestivalOpen Air FestivalSchalkau (Thüringen)
16. July 2021Mahlstrom Open AirOpen Air FestivalHolzappel am Herthasee
19. June 2021Sternenklang Online FestivalLive aus der MoritzbasteiLeipzig
16. October 2020Party.San Herbstoffensive 2020UhrenwerkWeimar
22. February 2020R:A:W:W:W - Rock am Wehr | Winterwehrkassablanca gleis 1Jena
06. September 2019Endless Summer Rum European TourClub from Hell, ErfurtErfurt
13. July 2019Schweinestall-Festival IVSchweinestall MügoMügo
23. February 2019Es knallt im Wald (mit Alrauna)KulturfabrikMülhausen
23. June 2018mit: Falkenrag, Claim the Throne, Vera LuxClub from Hell, ErfurtErfurt
22. July 2017-- private Veranstaltung --Mühlhausen
20. May 2017Handicap-FestivalJUNITY - Jugendfreizeiteinrichtung der Stadt FriedbergFriedberg
03. March 2017M + M = Metal (CD-Release-Party mit Mephisto)KulturfabrikMühlhausen
21. January 2017Mittelalter-MensaZentralmensaGöttingen
10. December 2016Deutscher Rock- und Pop-PreisSiegerlandhalleSiegen
18. June 2016FAKFESTivalBio-Campus (Neugasse)Jena
25. September 2015VII. Long Heavy NightAltes E-WerkEschwege
03. September 201520-Wahre-Jahre-Festival (Teilnahme am Band-Contest)LoreleySt. Goarshausen
13. June 2015-- private Veranstaltung --Großbrüchter
18. October 2014Culture-Shock-FestivalKuBaJena
20. September 2014Laut-Open-AirSportplatzHolzsußra
23. August 2014Rock am TeichBebraer TeichSondershausen
01. August 2014AltstadtfestAltendorfer StiegeNordhausen
05. July 2014mit: KöhnigeSportplatzHolzthaleben
08. February 2014Permafrost Melting Metal Night IIDestilleNordhausen
16. November 2013Benefiz-Konzert (mit: Köhnige)SportplatzHolzthaleben
08. June 2013Rockfire IISchlossparkEbeleben
06. April 2013Mansfield Night of Noise IIIWiesenhausEisleben
23. March 2013RatskellerEbeleben
12. January 2013Permafrost Melting Metal NightDestilleNordhausen
25. August 2012Rock am TeichBebraer TeichSondershausen
02. June 2012I. Rockfire-FestivalSchlossparkEbeleben
30. September 2011-- private Veranstaltung --Großbrüchter
10. September 2011mit: Amazing AttitudeRatskellerSchernberg
27. August 2011-- private Veranstaltung --Burgsdorf


Rex Silvarum (official video)


You can find more of our music here!

The Band


Heavy guitar sounds now meet medieval instruments, leading to an exciting mixture of punching and metal typical riffs with catchy bagpipe lines supported by folky accordion melodies.

Epic synthesizer sounds complete the atmosphere while carrying the songs with choirs and string sections to underline the intended emotions in the songs. Diversely structured pieces tell the tales from ancient days and heroic battles, or invite to party along and drink, leading to a unique mix of Epic- and Folk-Metal.

Finally, in 2016, the first original EP “Mandragora erwacht”, presenting own songs, was released. The Band was awarded prices for their new record at the “German Rock- and Pop-Awards” for “German Hard Rock”, scoring first place in the categories “Best Metal-Band” and “Best-Metal-Song” with their new EP.

In early 2019, the recordings for the first full-length original record were performed with Mario Dahmen in the LIQUID AETHER AUDIO studios (e.g. Roadrunner and Locomotive Records) and since then the new album was worked on eagerly.
  “Der Vagabund” was released in spring 2020 at the “Rock am Wehr – Winterwehr” Festival in Jena. The full length album was received very well by fans and press:

Hier fiel es mir vergleichsweise leicht, eine Wertung zu geben, denn es gibt eine saubere Produktion, Abwechslung und Atmosphäre, das in Union bedeutet kurz und knapp 10 von 10 Punkte.


„[…] Durch die Vermengung von Symphonic-/Epic-/Bombast-Metal-Elementen mit den üblichen Bausteinen des Mittelalter-Rock bekommt der vertraut tönende Sound der deutschen Band eine frische Note […]“

(Legacy, Issue #122)

Unfortunately, the associated promotion tour was canceled due to the pandemic, but the band was not idle during this time. New material was written, and in the summer of 2021, the second album “Rex Silvarum” was recorded and produced in collaboration with Dom R. Crey (NOTHGARD/EQUILIBRIUM) at Splendid Wave Studios.

Despite ongoing pandemic-related contact restrictions, MANDRAGORA THURINGIA managed to play several festivals in 2021, including the online Sternenklang Festival 2021, the Mahlstrom Open Air 2021, and the Thorshammer Festival 2021.

The year 2022 was marked by the return of festivals, and so MANDRAGORA THURINGIA were featured on the bill at scene-specific festivals (e.g., Mead and Greed Festival, Hörnerfest, Helmfest).

In June 2022, a suitable partner for the release of the upcoming album “Rex Silvarum” was found with MDD-Records, and it was released on 4 November 2022. Once again, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive:

„Kurzum, hier sollte wirklich jedes Fanherz auf die vollen kommen, sofern nur einem nur einer der gesamten genannten Bandnamen zusagt. (In Extremo, Alestorm, Slartibartfass, Equilibrium, Varg, Wolfchant)“

(Zephyrs Odem – 9/10)

„The album gives the typical folk metal fan everything they desire for the music, such as driving guitar accompanied by folk instruments like bagpipes and accordion.“

( – 8/10)

The as-yet-untitled follow-up album to “Rex Silvarum” is currently in the writing process. The collaboration with Dom R. Crey and Splendid Wave Studio will continue for this album.


Zwergentanz 2024

Helmfest 2022
